Monday, March 19, 2012

Basics- Shampoo

Let's start at the beginning. Shampooing your hair. 1st like Miss Joan said you wash your dishes and shampoo your hair. How often? The truth is the more often you shampoo the harder it is on your hair. This is true even if you use a gentle shampoo. 

All shampoo is designed to cleanse the hair using a higher ph than your natural hair's ph.(4.5-5.5 ph. is what hair skin natural ph. is) . A manufacturer can say that their shampoo is "ph balance" but they only have to guarantee that "balance" at the time that the product is packaged. Over time the shampoo can easily become more alkaline or higher on the ph scale.

So what does that have to with how great your hair looks?? Every time you shampoo your hair the cuticle layer is opened a little or a lot. This is done with the water temperature, chemicals in your water and or course your shampoo! 

Imagine your hair shaft is like shingles on a roof. How would your roof shingles look like if they were exposed daily to a wind force that tried to blow them up or open. You would be calling a roofer every 6 months!That is exactly what happens to your hair every time you shampoo. You are agitating the hair shaft with chemicals and energy trying to get your hair clean. The more that the cuticle is open like the picture the more fizzy and dry your hair will be.

Visit my blog tomorrow to find out the right way to shampoo.  

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